The Sunny Side Slam Pickleball Tournament - February 23rd, 2024

The Sunny Side Foundation is excited to host our 1st Annual Sunny Side Slam Pickleball Tournament! The tournament will host 5 courts dedicated to the adult tournament (ages 13 and over) and 1 court for our kid's tournament (ages 12 and younger).  Tournament rules have been updated to fit all skill levels and abilities and have been amended to fit the objectives of the fundraiser.  You can sign up below as a single entry or enter the names of your teammates (teams of 2 plus 1 sub if desired). There is a separate "payment link" below to submit payment to complete the registration!

The adult tournament will be a "modified round robin" style.  The first round of games will be assigned by tournament officials, but afterwards teams can find other teams they have not played and start a friendly game on any unoccupied court.  There will be volunteers available to help facilitate.  The preliminary rounds will conclude by 7:30pm with a final round starting at 8pm.  The top 10 teams possessing the most wins from the preliminary rounds will play during the final round.  Click the Rules Summary below to learn more about the tournament and game styles. 

Cost: $30/per player and Free/kids 12 and younger (a parent must be present)
*All proceeds go directly to our organization and supplemental donations can be added to your total upon checking out via the payment link below*

Date: Friday, February 23rd, 2024 

Time: 5-9pm

Location: Genesis Health Club - Westroads Location

1212 N. 102nd Street

Omaha, Nebraska 68114

Additional Details: We are excited to host the Family Traditions BBQ food truck for all your hunger needs!  We will have concessions, raffle prizes, activities for kiddos and Sunny Side swag for sale!

*All fields must be filled out to submit registration.  Type 'NA' if not applicable.*

*By submitting your registration all players listed are assuming risk.  In the event of injury or emergency, Genesis Health Clubs and The Sunny Side Foundation cannot be held liable.*

TSSF Pickleball Tournament Rules Summary
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